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Divine combination of 3 gorgeous and powerful stones to help love who you are, and have the courage to live an authentic life.


Rose Quartz ~ The Quintessential Love Stone
These soft pink stones are packed with loving energy. Reminds us to love ourself, and love others. Helps bring to us compassion and forgiveness whether we need that for ourselves or towards others. Helps us choose love in all that we do, and be enveloped in loving support. One of the most important stones of our time.

Amazonite~ carries energies of courage, compassion and truth
*Best known for soothing properties, calming the brain and nervous system
*Can enhance communication and alleviates worry and fear allowing one to speak their heartfelt truth
*Promotes compassion for yourself and others
*Excellent EMF protection (cell phones and radiation)
*Healing stone for Heart Chakra (4th) and Throat Chakra (5th).

Aquamarine ~ Supports Authentic Heartfelt Communication
*Useful for meditation, it helps sharpen intuition and open spiritual awareness.
*It is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go
*Helps overcome the fear of speaking, bringing awareness of our own truths, wisdom and feelings, and helps us articulate them with clarity and conviction. It also allows one to speak clearly and without anger in difficult situation
*Useful for moving through transition and change, and helping one overcome fear of the unknown. It helps not only in the release of emotional baggage, but the clearing out of physical items and clutter.
*Healing stone for both Heart and Throat Chakras. Aquamarine is perhaps the strongest stone for clearing and activating the Throat Chakra. It stimulates energy from the heart to the throat, allowing one's deepest and heartfelt truth to be communicated

Amazonite, Aquamarine & Rose Quartz Bracelet

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